Recommended Reads

Recommended Reads

Here are some of my favorite books, listed by topic:

Eating Disorders

Life Without ED by Jenni Schaefer
Goodbye ED, Hello Me by Jenni Schaefer
8 Keys To Recovery From An Eating Disorder by Carolyn Costin, Gwen Schubert Grabb,
& Babette Rothschild
Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch
Surviving An Eating Disorder: Strategies For Family And Friends by Michele Siegel,
Judith Brisman, & Margot Weinshel
Your Dieting Daughter by Carolyn Costin

Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety And Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne
Calming Your Anxious Mind by Jeffrey Brantley
Dancing With Fear by Paul Foxman

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Coping With OCD by Bruce Hyman & Troy DuFrene
Brain Lock by Jeffrey Schwartz


Ten Days To Self-Esteem by David Burns
Mind Over Mood by Dennis Greenberger
The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices For Everyday Problems by Ronald Siegel